The World of Magic II - Ghelae's Quest

 By The Bosco Brothers


Game Type  Point & Click Adventure
Format  4 Floppy Disks (Hard Drive installable)
Available From F1 Software
Date of release TBA
Price  TBA
Programmed in  GRAC 2.0


The Game Story Line

In  The  World  of  Magic II,( Follow up to TWOM1 )  you play  the  role  of Ghelae,  son of Grendon.  Grendon is now an old man, and the lands of Dystun

(a continent in Kawamoon) need a new hero:



Unfortunately,  Ghelae is a pansy,  sissy-type twenty seven year old, who is too scared even to stroke the cat!  However,  he has an important mission to complete,  and can only complete it with the help of his friends,  including Mage Barester Quickstar.  His  journey  takes him to the far reaches of Dystun.  From the  forests  of Fhion to the Gateway of Darkness,  to the west of the Goblin land.  Meet all sorts of new and crazy creatures in this four disk affair!

Features of TWOM2

Scripts and story: S.Bosco
Artwork and Programming: Ben Bosco
SoundFX: S. Bosco and Ben Bosco

The  World  of  Magic II is the standard Point and Click Adventure  type  of game,  Similar in style to Monkey Island.  Click on an area of the screen to walk  there,  Click on Look from the Menu then on a screen object to Examine it,  Pick up,  Operate etc.  This follows the Easy and Popular Gameplay  for most standard Adventure games, And works very well in TWOM II presenting the Player  with easy control over the Character and Actions.  The one point  to remember is "Left click on an Action Button ie.  Talk to, and Right click to carry out the Action its self"

You  start  the  game  with your character "Ghelae" locked  in  his  Fathers Castle,To start your Mission You must devise a way to Disable the Guard  and unlock the Massive Castle doors.

There  are,   Of  course several rooms to be explored,  Items  to  find  and Interactive Characters to talk to,  That can Help/Hinder you in your  Quest. As standard in all Adventure Games,  Talk to everyone,  Examine every object and  try to pick-up all you can (You may require certain Items later in  the Game)

In  the  duration of the game,  You will find lots of Objects  to  Use/Read, Masses  of  Areas  to explore and Countless Characters to talk  or  interact with!
Boredom is certainly not a problem with TWOM II.

Your Main Character "Ghelae" Starts out as a Rather "Wimpish" young Man, Who seems  to have some very strange Habits!  Just wait and see what he does  to the  "Crowbar" Or when you try to use the Cooks Apron.  On several occasions in the Game You will burst into a fit of Laughter,  and may even, Reload the game just to have a second look!

Brilliant Fun all round

Game Graphics

While the Graphics in TWOM II,  Cannot be compared to "Classics" Like Monkey Island  etc.  The high Quality of the Artwork are there for all to see,   In fact the Screens in the Game are much better than,  Several Commercial Games that have been released on the Amiga Public.

The Rooms,  Landscape and Characters are well drawn,  Clear and the movement of  the  Animation smooth and a delight to see.  Once outside of the Castle, Some of the game screens are rather Dark,  However this Enhances the Mystery of the Area rather than detract from the Enjoyment of the Gameplay.

Perhaps  the  only  drawback in the Game is the Difficulty  in  finding  the correct spot on the screen to allow you to leave that area,  However this is more a Problem with The GRAC Program than with the makers of the Game,  Just remember if you want to go through a door,  Click at the Bottom! Rather than the Middle!

All In All!  There can be no complaints with the Graphic display of TWOM II, and  it is Obvious that a lot of time and care went into the making  of  the game!


Music & Sounds

Nice Jolly music playing in the background,  and changing smoothly when  you change for one screen to another. The Music and Sound effects are just about perfect for an Adventure type game,  and you can happily listen to  them  in the  background with out finding them annoying or detracting  you  from  the Gameplay!


F1  Software,  the supplier of the Game,  Are well known in the Amiga circle for supplying Top Quality Games at reasonable prices!  Perhaps some of their "Flagship Titles" would be the excellent "Relics on Deldroneye"  Series  and the  Brilliant  Valhalla clone "Dark Citadel" So how does  their  new  title match up to these Shareware Classics?

The  World Of Magic II is right up there with the best of them,  As  far  as Adventure  games  go  you  will be hard pushed to find  a  better  Shareware Release anywhere.

The Game is easy to play,  Fun to play and well worth getting for your games collection.  It will provide you with Days on interesting Play and  some  of the  puzzles  will  have  you back tracking and  pulling  you  hair  out  in handfuls

If  you  like the Point and Click Adventures? "This is the game for you"  So contact F1 Software and order TWOM II.


You will not regret It!

Score 9/10